Abstracts for possible paper presentation at ISFV16 should be submitted on-line at the ISFV16 web page. They will be reviewed at two steps guided by regional International Scientific Committee (ISC) members. Once an abstract has been accepted, the full-length manuscript will be requested by the due date. It is then reviewed by reviewers assigned by the regional ISC member. The copyright transfer form is requested on acceptance of the full-length manuscript and prior to submittal of the final manuscript. For each accepted manuscript, at least one Regular registration is required to ensure that the manuscript appears in the conference proceedings. The accepted and presented papers may also be recommended for publication in Measurement Science & Technology, and Journal of Visualization.
ISFV16 will organise a poster session.
To participate the poster session, authors must submit the abstract, and the submission of the full paper is NOT required.
The procedure of the abstract is same as that in the oral session.
Please go to Abstract Submission page, create your login account and submit the abstract. Please select "Poster Session" from the Tracks list when you enter your paper information.
We appreciate your active participation for the poster session.
Detailed information and guidelines of poster preparation will be announced later.
The abstract for the poster session can be submitted from the following "Login page for new author" until Mar. 31st.
For the instruction and template of full paper, slease see Full Paper page.
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