After the abstract review, please prepare a PDF version of the draft paper.
Each draft paper is going to be reviewed by referees to judge whether it is acceptable for presentation and publication and to provide any comments or suggestions for improvement.
Please upload the draft paper via this website. (Do not send the draft paper by attaching to an e-mail.)
Please login, open the "Author" tabbed page and push "Submit Draft Paper" button to open a file submission page.
Young Researcher Competition:
The competition for Young Researcher Presentation Award of ISFV16 will be held prior to general oral and poster presentations.
In the first stage, competitors for the award are limited only in the presenter under 35 years old in the general oral presentation sessions. But now, co-authors under the age in the general oral session are allowed to apply for the competition. However, the number of competitors from each paper is one. It should be noted that authors have to provide presentation in the general oral presentation session regardless of application for the award competition, and that competitors also have to complete proper registrations.
When you or your co-authors will participate in the competition, please send an e-mail to with information regarding competitor (Name, e-mail, age, country) and your paper (Paper ID, paper title, track, Name of authors, corresponding e-mail) until 15th March in order to enter the competition.
-----Method of competition
Young Researcher Competition will be held by poster presentation and the award will be selected solely by its account. There is no shotgun presentation (brief oral presentation).
Competitors have to explain your work in front of the poster for a given period. Schedule will be provided as soon as possible.
The poster presentations will be evaluated on quality of research, clarity of content, design of poster presentation, and originality of the research presented.
There is no template for poster presentation.
The space of 900 mm wide x 2000 mm high at least will be prepared for each poster presentation.
It is recommended that posters are printed on a single sheet.
The decision regarding poster size is left to the authors.
All lettering and diagrams should be large enough to be read from a minimum of 2 meters.
Authors are urged to use colors, symbols and schemes to improve clarity.
Competitors have to prepare and bring the poster to the symposium, and do not need to submit your poster beforehand. Organizing committee is not responsible for troubles relating to delivery or preparation of the posters.